What is a “coach” and how do you step into this role as a leader?
The aim of this workshop is to learn new mindsets, skills, and behaviors while also identifying a meaningful step forward towards addressing a real-world challenge you are currently experiencing. Our workshop will follow an action-learning format that encourages you to practice the techniques you learn while applying this to your own leadership role and context. This is also a great opportunity for you to learn with other leaders like yourself at a time we are often craving more connection and community.
You will learn:
What: Free workshop
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021 10am-12pm PST
Where: Virtual on Zoom (sent with your Registration)
How: Save your space by registering here on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leader-as-coach-building-capacity-in-your-team-registration-138351784913?aff=
This event is FREE! Don’t delay – Registration will be capped at 30 participants!
If you chose to join us, these are two questions to consider in preparation for our workshop (jot down a few, succinct notes):
I hope to see you soon!
Mariaelena Welch, PCC, CEQC, BSME