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SBCC Career Skills Institute: Difficult Conversations


Join me for Santa Barbara City College Career Skills Institute's class on Difficult Conversations (PRO NC032). Develop techniques for difficult conversations based on intentions, optimal outcomes, and assumptions. Craft and deliver scripts customized to the scenario and personality styles involved.  We will spend 8 hours together developing leadership skills that provide safety, create understanding, remove obstacles […]

Leaning into Equity: Finding your voice as a coach in a multicultural world


What comes up for you when you think about coaching across cultural perspectives? If you’re a person of color or if you’re white -- as a coach, do you have a voice -- do you have a contribution to make in the equity coaching movement? Some people of color see coaching as “too white” and wonder […]

Leader as Coach: Building Capacity in Your Team


An active, highly participative virtual workshop for leaders focused on building and practicing coaching skills. About this Event: What is a “coach” and how do you step into this role as a leader? The aim of this workshop is to learn new mindsets, skills, and behaviors while also identifying a meaningful step forward towards addressing […]